Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Do you want a $50 Amazon gift card?

Have you noticed that when you've made a purchase on Amazon they tell you that others who purchased the same product also purchased other recommended products?  Every time you sign into your account, Amazon shows you products that may interest you based upon recent purchases.  Amazon has algorithms that track their customer’s preferences and they are based in part on reviews. 

This is why I’m requesting Amazon reviews and star-ratings.  I need to get my book out to people who do not know about it, and your reviews help move it into a broader audience.  So, with that in mind, I have a proposal for you all to consider.

I have two $50.00 Amazon gift cards to give away next Friday, April 3, 2015.  Here are the two requirements: 

First, go to and leave a review about my book – Polycarp, a destroyer of our gods.  It doesn't have to be long, nor does it have to include anything about me.  What did you think about the book, and could you recommend it?  That’s all.  Write a couple sentences or more if you wish.  You can use your name, initials or even your online alias. 

Next, using Facebook messaging or going to my website;; provide me your email address.  You know, of course, that it will never be given out or sold to anyone else.  I simply wish to stay in touch with you regarding my writing.  Email addresses are an author’s lifeline to the real world.

Next Friday (4/3), two names will be drawn for the free $50 gift card.  I’ll contact you if you won, and mail them to you.  The reviews aren't for me; I already struggle with pride and praise only makes the struggle harder, however, they are helpful in introducing the book to other potential customers.

Even if you’re not finished reading the book, you can tell people what you think.  Will you help me?  I would certainly appreciate it.  Thanks!